1. Call to order – President
Meeting called to order at 6:30pm
2. Approval of minutes from previous meeting – Secretary
Minutes from previous meeting read into record and approved/edited as suggested.
3. Officers’ reports:
a. President
b. Vice President
c. Treasurer
· 75xx dues; 4th qtr 2007 dues not paid; Steve spoke to Owner who indicates they will be paying shortly; Art to speak with owner.
· Replacement parking tag issued to 75xx; $10 payment received for replacement.
d. Secretary
Effective immediately, we will modify the information that is posted to our website in the following manner: (1) We will not include the ICC section on the website; and (2) Residence addresses will be denoted as 75xx. These changes are being done for security and privacy reasons.
NOTE: ICC section will be made available to individuals upon request.
4. Committee reports:
a. EPB update – Walkthrough: delay ‘till Spring? DECISION
Decision made that EPB follow-on activities will be deferred until Spring 2009. Historical papers (2006-2007) received from past EPB members.
b. Long range planning committee – Goals for the coming month
First step to review spreadsheet with Debbie and Steve to understand improvement tasks to be performed and expected timeframes. Input will be used in preparing 2009 budget
5. Unfinished business:
a. Financial practices
- Review the contract with Capitol – Steve
· Question about IPM – Integrated Pest Management – is this being performed; Pests (grubs) have been found on property?
· Suggestion to remove tree service from Tree and Shrub program in Capitol contract; Propose that future tree service be performed by professional tree service company. Concerns with tree service work previously performed by Capitol and also with unapproved $80 charge for tree branch removal. Steve received letter from Capitol indicating issues with fall tree trimming work that we have done.
· Decision tabled to next meeting; meeting to be scheduled with Capitol to discuss services for upcoming year
- Comparison of the two tax accountants – Steve DECISION
$250 / taxes
$85/hr for consulting
$300 / taxes
$300 flat fee consulting for what to do with monies received
Recommendation to use Mohn based on experience noted during phone interview. Future in-person interview meeting to be arranged with Mohn
b. Do we want to rent the last two parking spots? DECISION
- Proposals shared and to be voted on next month
Two proposals were shared with BOD; these proposals were input based on conversation with HOA (community) members.
Discussion on why we were considering allocating these two spots and concerns that we were not responsible for activities on Berclair. Response: The change in parking policy is being considered as a result of community members concerns about safety on Berclair, which we all have to use to enter/exit the community.
Concerns were expressed about the method of allocating the extra tags and receiving income for these tags. Response: BOD’s need to first focus on whether these spots should be re-allocated (i.e., if this is in the best interest of the community) and second on method of allocation.
Carrying forward pro/con info (from previous minutes):
- May help to alleviate some of the parking problems on Berclair which has been noted as a safety issue for our community
- ??? Could be used to bring in income to HOA (i.e., rental fee of parking tag)
- Will take away the 2 parking spaces that are designated for short term visitor parking and may potentially result in usage of fire lanes and double parking for this purpose.
- Will require time and effort to do on-going administration of this program (i.e., we need to set up parking tag rental office)
Decision tabled for next meeting..
6. ICC update – Alex
a. Follow-up discussion from meeting with Mr. Lerch
.. This section intentionally omitted from website - available upon request ..
7. Emergent issues (arose within 72 hours of BOD meeting)
8. Closing remarks and adjournment – President
Meeting adjourned: 8:15
Tentative timeline for our schedule for the next couple weeks (adjusted to cover ICC issues, holiday schedules and end of year activities):
Nov 6th - PRB meeting at 10am in Rockville, Let Alex know by Tues if you are available to attend; should last 4-5 hrs; we will have 30 days after this meeting to file notice of dissent.
Nov 9th (Sunday) - Board meeting; 7pm at Debbie's house; Debriefing from PRB meeting and make decision on whether to appeal PRB decision. If you don't feel that PRB decision is adequate, then need to come to meeting prepared with what you feel is adequate and justified compensation.
Nov 19th (Weds) - Regular Board meeting; want to meet with Mohn (accountant) and Capitol; If not feasible to meet with them during this meeting, then need to suggest alternate times. NOTE: Mathias out of town.
Dec 17th (Weds) - Regular Board Meeting
NOTE: Newsletter postponed until after Nov 9th so to include info from PRB meeting and BOD's decision.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Minutes of BOD Meeting - Sept 2008
1. Call to order – President (Vice-President Acting)
Meeting called to order at 6:40pm
2. Approval of minutes from the meeting in August – Secretary
Minutes from previous meeting read into record and approved.
3. Officers’ reports:
a. President
b. Vice President
Mathias thanked Debbie for being the onsite contact for Schifflett Tree Service during their work days.
Mathias asked if anyone had any additional questions/concerns regarding the resident (Zuppo) parking letter – there were none.
c. Treasurer
· 7503 dues; 4th qtr 2007 dues not paid; contacted multiple times; Mathias to make contact.
· 7523 –paid current at this time
· Still need to formalize late due policy
· $4200 – paid to Schifflett ($300 discount);
· $13,787 in savings; $102,400 in ICC Account (United bank says insured up to $200k)
d. Secretary
Oct 2008 newsletter planned; Input due by Oct 6th
4. ICC update – Alex
a. Follow-up discussion from meeting with Mr. Lerch
.. This section intentionally omitted from website - available upon request ..
5. Unfinished business:
a. ICC
- Letter to community about request received for $5K.
BOD has received and denied request. Will update HOA in next newsletter. NOTE: details about this request in prior minutes
b. Committee stand-up
- Long range planning committee – Questions about charter?
Draft charter looks good; no changes proposed
- EPB update – Walkthrough this fall? DECISION
Follow-up request to be made to Gregg & Melissa to get copies of previous EPB walk-thrus. Short term – BOD to focus on getting list of issues that were noted during last walk-thru; Long term – BOD to get all historical paperwork.
Would like to conduct walk-thru by Columbus Day weekend; will depend on if historical data can be obtained and volunteer assistance to do walk-thru can be solicited.
- By-Law committee – Do we want / need this? DECISION
No individuals have volunteered; responsibility to perform the work of this committee defers back to BOD’s.
c. Financial practices
- Comparison of the two tax accountants – Alex (DECISION?)
Alex provided info on 4 accountants; Of these, 2 seem potentially suitable – Mohn and Isaaco. Mohn offered fixed price and Isaaco offered hourly price.
We may want to determine if accountant can perform work under fixed price. Scope of work for fixed priced to be: assistance with filing 2008 taxes; guidance on what we need to do before year end.
Treasurer (Steve) to make calls to follow-up with 2 candidates to get further info. Debbie to provide Steve with info on Harold Mohn (info that was filed in SGSTA’s historical papers)
- Review the contract with Capital – Steve
Steve distributed Capitol contract – BOD members to review and provide feedback to Steve.
6. New business:
a. Do we want to rent the last two parking spots? DECISION
- May help to alleviate some of the parking problems on Berclair
- Will bring in income to HOA (i.e., rental fee of parking tag)
- Will take away the 2 parking spaces that are designated for short term visitor parking and will result in usage of fire lanes and double parking for this purpose.
- Will require time and effort to do on-going administration of this program (i.e., we need to set up parking tag rental office)
No decision made; Tabled for future meeting.
b. Next meeting location and time
Mathias – next meeting on Oct 29th.
7. Emergent issues (arose within 72 hours of BOD meeting)
8. Closing remarks and adjournment – President
Meeting adjourned: 8:15
Meeting called to order at 6:40pm
2. Approval of minutes from the meeting in August – Secretary
Minutes from previous meeting read into record and approved.
3. Officers’ reports:
a. President
b. Vice President
Mathias thanked Debbie for being the onsite contact for Schifflett Tree Service during their work days.
Mathias asked if anyone had any additional questions/concerns regarding the resident (Zuppo) parking letter – there were none.
c. Treasurer
· 7503 dues; 4th qtr 2007 dues not paid; contacted multiple times; Mathias to make contact.
· 7523 –paid current at this time
· Still need to formalize late due policy
· $4200 – paid to Schifflett ($300 discount);
· $13,787 in savings; $102,400 in ICC Account (United bank says insured up to $200k)
d. Secretary
Oct 2008 newsletter planned; Input due by Oct 6th
4. ICC update – Alex
a. Follow-up discussion from meeting with Mr. Lerch
.. This section intentionally omitted from website - available upon request ..
5. Unfinished business:
a. ICC
- Letter to community about request received for $5K.
BOD has received and denied request. Will update HOA in next newsletter. NOTE: details about this request in prior minutes
b. Committee stand-up
- Long range planning committee – Questions about charter?
Draft charter looks good; no changes proposed
- EPB update – Walkthrough this fall? DECISION
Follow-up request to be made to Gregg & Melissa to get copies of previous EPB walk-thrus. Short term – BOD to focus on getting list of issues that were noted during last walk-thru; Long term – BOD to get all historical paperwork.
Would like to conduct walk-thru by Columbus Day weekend; will depend on if historical data can be obtained and volunteer assistance to do walk-thru can be solicited.
- By-Law committee – Do we want / need this? DECISION
No individuals have volunteered; responsibility to perform the work of this committee defers back to BOD’s.
c. Financial practices
- Comparison of the two tax accountants – Alex (DECISION?)
Alex provided info on 4 accountants; Of these, 2 seem potentially suitable – Mohn and Isaaco. Mohn offered fixed price and Isaaco offered hourly price.
We may want to determine if accountant can perform work under fixed price. Scope of work for fixed priced to be: assistance with filing 2008 taxes; guidance on what we need to do before year end.
Treasurer (Steve) to make calls to follow-up with 2 candidates to get further info. Debbie to provide Steve with info on Harold Mohn (info that was filed in SGSTA’s historical papers)
- Review the contract with Capital – Steve
Steve distributed Capitol contract – BOD members to review and provide feedback to Steve.
6. New business:
a. Do we want to rent the last two parking spots? DECISION
- May help to alleviate some of the parking problems on Berclair
- Will bring in income to HOA (i.e., rental fee of parking tag)
- Will take away the 2 parking spaces that are designated for short term visitor parking and will result in usage of fire lanes and double parking for this purpose.
- Will require time and effort to do on-going administration of this program (i.e., we need to set up parking tag rental office)
No decision made; Tabled for future meeting.
b. Next meeting location and time
Mathias – next meeting on Oct 29th.
7. Emergent issues (arose within 72 hours of BOD meeting)
8. Closing remarks and adjournment – President
Meeting adjourned: 8:15
Minutes of BOD Meeting - August 2008
1. Call to order – President (NOTE: Vice-President acting)
Meeting called to order at 6:35
2. Approval of minutes from the meeting in June – Secretary
Minutes read into record and approved; one change noted and made indicating forms for online back account access were not required.
3. Officers’ reports:
a. President
No report
b. Vice President
Still $4500 estimate from Schifflett, but Mathias believes we may be getting break on price; 6 out 8 residences are also having work don.
Debbie to be onsite contact for work to be performed on August 28th.
c. Treasurer
75xx - dues still not paid for 4Q07 ($129); Mathias to speak with him; Need to think about enforcing ‘next step’/escalation approaches.
75xx – missing dues for 2 quarters
Online accounts – Steve, Alex and Art are on list. Steve sent email to Alex and Art on how to re-register.
Regarding current bank accounts- only one signature is required
SGSTA Financial practices (summarized by Mathias):
-All BOD members need to have ability to view the accounts
-Need minimum of 2 BOD members (Treasurer plus another individual) with ability to write checks in event of emergency that Treasurer is not available
-Need official document which contains info on who has access to what
-Treasurer to provide account balance info as part of Treasurer Report during monthly meetings
d. Secretary
July Newsletter published. Cost to publish July 2008 newsletter - $10; Cost to publish directory - $25. For 2009, should plan to budget $75 for communications.
Newsletter schedule – Oct 2008 and Jan 2009
Newsletter schedule – Oct 2008
1. Oct 6 - Deadline for submission of articles - All members
2. Oct 13 - Publish Draft - Debbie
3. Oct 20 - BOD Review; Provide Feedback - All BOD members
4. Oct 27 - Incorporate Feedback; Publish - Debbie
4. ICC update – Alex
Initial $102K - Acquired $104K check ($102K plus interest)
.. This section intentionally omitted from website - available upon request ..
Funding for the ICC protest:
· Greg Smith (representing xxx) has made request for financial contributions to continue to fight ICC. This is to fight the remaining contracts since Contract A is underway. Greg is available for presentations of work that they are doing. Estimated donation - $5K. Funding is required ASAP.
· Regarding this request, BOD members indicated concern that timing is not good – we are not prepared financially to make this decision. This money would have to come from ICC monies received and we do not yet know tax implications of ICC monies received.
· Alternative suggestion was made that we might want to consider making donation to specific cause that would lessen impact of ICC.
· Need to poll HOA members on interest level of making this contribution.
5. Unfinished business:
a. Committee stand-up
- Any interest from the community in participating?
No HOA members volunteered for participation in committees.
- Long range planning committee purpose and goals – Mathias
Mathias shared charter document (hand-out) with BOD members
- EPB update
Need to schedule walkthrough; Spring 2008 walkthrough was missed. Need to schedule walk-through before winter otherwise will need to postpone until Spring 2009.
- By-Law committee – Do we want / need this? DECISION
Tabled for next meeting
b. Financial practices
- BOD access to online banking, June conversation incomplete?
- Tax accountant – Do we need one for this year? DECISION
Yes, BOD members agree that we need accountant for this year
If so, do we need to shop around before proceeding? DECISION
We would like to have MD accountant and would like to review at least 2 candidates. Alex has one candidate and Debbie to provide name of HOA accountant which has represented several other Montgomery County HOA’s.
6. New business:
a. Lawn care and maintenance
- Contract is up with Capital this year; are we happy with them?
BOD members indicated pleased with Capitol Landscaping with the following exceptions:
· Tree trimming services and capabilities
· The fact that they charged us for July 4th emergency tree trimming work that we did not officially authorize.
Suggestion was made to renew services with Capitol for 2009, but make revisions to the contract. Plan to review 2007-2008 contract during next meeting.
b. Parking email from a concerned resident - Mathias
The Parking Q&A’s in July 2008 newsletter were intended to address particular resident’s concerns.
Discussions on possible options for tweaking parking policy occurred. Following items were included in discussion, but no decisions were made:
1. Modify restricted parking time to be less hours
2. Encourage HOA members who are not using parking tags to “loan” these out.
3. “Auction off” the 2 VISITOR spots.
7. Emergent issues (arose within 72 hours of BOD meeting)
No new issues raised
8. Closing remarks and adjournment – President
Meeting Adjourned: 8pm
Next meeting Sept 24th at Steve’s house
Meeting called to order at 6:35
2. Approval of minutes from the meeting in June – Secretary
Minutes read into record and approved; one change noted and made indicating forms for online back account access were not required.
3. Officers’ reports:
a. President
No report
b. Vice President
Still $4500 estimate from Schifflett, but Mathias believes we may be getting break on price; 6 out 8 residences are also having work don.
Debbie to be onsite contact for work to be performed on August 28th.
c. Treasurer
75xx - dues still not paid for 4Q07 ($129); Mathias to speak with him; Need to think about enforcing ‘next step’/escalation approaches.
75xx – missing dues for 2 quarters
Online accounts – Steve, Alex and Art are on list. Steve sent email to Alex and Art on how to re-register.
Regarding current bank accounts- only one signature is required
SGSTA Financial practices (summarized by Mathias):
-All BOD members need to have ability to view the accounts
-Need minimum of 2 BOD members (Treasurer plus another individual) with ability to write checks in event of emergency that Treasurer is not available
-Need official document which contains info on who has access to what
-Treasurer to provide account balance info as part of Treasurer Report during monthly meetings
d. Secretary
July Newsletter published. Cost to publish July 2008 newsletter - $10; Cost to publish directory - $25. For 2009, should plan to budget $75 for communications.
Newsletter schedule – Oct 2008 and Jan 2009
Newsletter schedule – Oct 2008
1. Oct 6 - Deadline for submission of articles - All members
2. Oct 13 - Publish Draft - Debbie
3. Oct 20 - BOD Review; Provide Feedback - All BOD members
4. Oct 27 - Incorporate Feedback; Publish - Debbie
4. ICC update – Alex
Initial $102K - Acquired $104K check ($102K plus interest)
.. This section intentionally omitted from website - available upon request ..
Funding for the ICC protest:
· Greg Smith (representing xxx) has made request for financial contributions to continue to fight ICC. This is to fight the remaining contracts since Contract A is underway. Greg is available for presentations of work that they are doing. Estimated donation - $5K. Funding is required ASAP.
· Regarding this request, BOD members indicated concern that timing is not good – we are not prepared financially to make this decision. This money would have to come from ICC monies received and we do not yet know tax implications of ICC monies received.
· Alternative suggestion was made that we might want to consider making donation to specific cause that would lessen impact of ICC.
· Need to poll HOA members on interest level of making this contribution.
5. Unfinished business:
a. Committee stand-up
- Any interest from the community in participating?
No HOA members volunteered for participation in committees.
- Long range planning committee purpose and goals – Mathias
Mathias shared charter document (hand-out) with BOD members
- EPB update
Need to schedule walkthrough; Spring 2008 walkthrough was missed. Need to schedule walk-through before winter otherwise will need to postpone until Spring 2009.
- By-Law committee – Do we want / need this? DECISION
Tabled for next meeting
b. Financial practices
- BOD access to online banking, June conversation incomplete?
- Tax accountant – Do we need one for this year? DECISION
Yes, BOD members agree that we need accountant for this year
If so, do we need to shop around before proceeding? DECISION
We would like to have MD accountant and would like to review at least 2 candidates. Alex has one candidate and Debbie to provide name of HOA accountant which has represented several other Montgomery County HOA’s.
6. New business:
a. Lawn care and maintenance
- Contract is up with Capital this year; are we happy with them?
BOD members indicated pleased with Capitol Landscaping with the following exceptions:
· Tree trimming services and capabilities
· The fact that they charged us for July 4th emergency tree trimming work that we did not officially authorize.
Suggestion was made to renew services with Capitol for 2009, but make revisions to the contract. Plan to review 2007-2008 contract during next meeting.
b. Parking email from a concerned resident - Mathias
The Parking Q&A’s in July 2008 newsletter were intended to address particular resident’s concerns.
Discussions on possible options for tweaking parking policy occurred. Following items were included in discussion, but no decisions were made:
1. Modify restricted parking time to be less hours
2. Encourage HOA members who are not using parking tags to “loan” these out.
3. “Auction off” the 2 VISITOR spots.
7. Emergent issues (arose within 72 hours of BOD meeting)
No new issues raised
8. Closing remarks and adjournment – President
Meeting Adjourned: 8pm
Next meeting Sept 24th at Steve’s house
Friday, August 08, 2008
Minutes of BOD Meeting - June 2008
1. Call to order – President
Meeting called to order at 6:30pm
2. Approval of minutes from previous meeting – Secretary
Minutes from previous meeting were read into record and approved
3. Officers’ reports:
a. President..
Art spoke to xxxx (75xx) regarding un-mowed front lawn. The issue was addressed shortly thereafter.
BOD issued letter to Luis Sandoval regarding termination of his SGSTA secretary position.
BOD issued letter to xxx (75xx) regarding approval of installation of solar attic fan
b. Vice President
Mathias requested that we continue to provide future agenda items to him. The agenda process seems to be flowing and working effectively.
c. Treasurer – 4Q ’07 dues paid?, 75xx update?, Status of reserve
account and environmental fund for ‘08
Dues for 75xx still not received for 4q07. Art to speak with homeowner face-to-face regarding outstanding dues; previous attempts (written, e-mail, verbal) have been unsuccessful.
75xx Update: Real estate agent indicates HOA papers are not yet required as no approved contract is in place; however, real estate agent was not aware that we were self-managed community and that there is no management office for him to contact. We should expect request from him at some point in the future.
Reserve Fund:
$300 for removal of dead tree (Apr 08)
$25.24 – Lawyers Admin Costs (Apr 08)
EPB Fund:
$165 – Parking tags and signs (Mar 08)
$53 – Cherry Tree (Apr 08)
Online account access requires re-enrolling; Steve has forms that need to be completed in order for this to take effect. Online account access will provide other BOD members access to view accounts, but do not provide access to withdraw funds.
d. Secretary – Status of letters (action items from May)
Letters regarding SGSTA BOD secretary position and EPB request for installation of solar attic fan were drafted and submitted to BOD.
New EPB request received from xxx (75xx) for installation of solar attic fan. Approval letter drafted and submitted to BOD. BOD approval is pending.
4. ICC update – Alex (update provided via e-mail)
As you've noticed, construction of the bridge over Shady Grove Rd. has begun.
Lerch, the attorney, continues to be excruciatingly slow but swears he is developing a case with several other related homeowners that he is trying to fight the SHA with.
We are definitely receiving sound barriers behind our neighborhood, though their exact appearance and extent remains a mystery.
Most significantly I am getting close to having the $102,000 check reissued to us. This has required a series of letters to the county clerk's office and the State Roads Commission in Baltimore, each of whom blames the other for the problem. I am at the position where each of their offices has received a series of letters they said they requested, and they are now supposed to be talking to each other as to the next step. I keep getting reassurances that we are close to having the check reissued. (Of course I've been hearing the same thing for three weeks, but...) It looks like we will be able to have it held for pickup in person at the finance office of the county clerk's office. I will let everyone know as soon as this occurs.
5. Unfinished business:
a. Tree trimming in common areas
- Do we need a second quote before proceeding? DECISION
NOTE: Sole sources will occur only if absolutely necessary (i.e., emergency services required); hence reason for multiple quotes for this work was done.
On Tuesday (June 24th), the SGSTA BOD did receive estimate from Schifflett Tree Service – see details below
Discussions ensued on the differences between Capitol Landscaping and Schifflett Tree service. Capitol is primarily a lawn and landscaping company, whereas Schifflett is dedicated to tree service. It was pointed out that the Schifflett estimate ($4500) was roughly 2 times the amount of Capitol estimate ($2200) though it was felt that the work performed by Schifflett would not be limited to 16 feet from ground and would include removing dead limbs throughout the tree.
Regarding funding of this project, concerns were expressed about the high cost of the Schifflett estimate and that we would be digging deep into Reserve Fund and we needed to remember that the Reserve Fund must also be available for maintaining other things (i.e., retaining wall, sidewalks, etc.). Steve indicated that Capitol may have already performed the 3 tree trimmings for this contract year and therefore this project may need to be fully funded from the Reserve Fund. Steve needs to confirm this.
Question was asked why we were looking at removing the Leyland Cypress trees. The intent would be to replace them with “live” trees. We are no longer maintaining these trees due to their current state and that area has an unkempt appearance. The estimate was for planning purposes only and is not work that is planned for this fiscal year.
Vote: Proceed with Schifflett with assumption that price can be negotiated: 3 Yes and 1 Abstention (blank).
Action: Schedule meeting with Schifflett Tree Service to do price negotiations.
Estimate from Schifflett Tree Service
$4500 - Common area tree trimming (cherry trees, dogwoods and evergreens). It would include raising the elevation level of all parking area trees by several feet, removing significant number of dead limbs throughout all trees and removing tree limbs away from homes/roofs/gutters of nearby homes. It would include team of guys who would actually be climbing the trees to ensure that all debris was removed. Mr. Schifflett recommends that this type of tree trimming service be planned for every 3-5 years and confirms that minimal tree trimming may be required in between those times for upkeep, etc. He acknowledges that future major trimming activities should not cost as much if we are doing regular maintenance.
2. $3000-$4000 - Removal of 3 Leyland Cypress trees in front of Alex Witze house which we previously said that we didn't want to trim due to their current state. Mr. Schifflett recommends that we plan to do this specific activity in Jan-Feb as we would be saving about $500 because it would not be their peak season.
b. Move responsibility for parking tags to treasurer? DECISION
Approved and effective immediately; Steve will work with Alex on handing over necessary items
c. Update on storm drain – Debbie
The county made onsite visit to storm drain area behind 75xx and responded that they only maintain 10 feet beyond the storm drain. They feel that there are no issues to be addressed on their part. They did indicate that separate in-flows on Weatherby Drive and Berclair are sources of trash at the out-flow.
While no real outcome was derived from this investigation, we were able to learn more about the county process and will pay extra attention to the in-flow areas to prevent trash from getting into storm drain.
d. Update on streetlight – Debbie
Done; New light was installed at intersection of Weatherby Drive and Berclair and is now functional.
6. New business:
a. Committee stand-up. DECISION
· Environmental protection
· Long range planning
· Bylaws/Covenants amendment
· Other?
Newsletter (to be distributed in July 2008) will include request for volunteers for participation in following committees: EPB, Long range planning and Bylaws/Covenants amendment.
EPB Committee: Art, Debbie and Pete have indicated interest in remaining on committee.
Long range Planning Committee: Mathias has indicated interest in chairing this committee.
Bylaws/Covenants Amendment Committee: An example of possible covenants amendments discussed is the parking enforcement process implemented in April 2008. Conversation ensued regarding letter received from 75xx (tenant) with list of issues regarding enforced parking restrictions that were implemented in April 2008. Letter was received, but no response has been made.
b. How $100K changes our financial practices (internal)
- Protect Steve (Treasurer) from suspicion/questioning – need?
- Can we avoid bonding by increasing transparency? How?
Discussion on bonding:
· Bonding is for people with fiduciary responsibilities;
· By-laws do not specifically mandate bonding; the by-laws indicate that BOD’s should obtain bonding if it is deemed appropriate.
· In prior meeting discussions, BOD had decided to obtain bonding if/when account balances exceeded $100K due to cost of bonding. In absence of bonding, other audit controls would be followed (i.e., bank account access would be granted to 2 or more BOD members, end of year audits, etc.)
No proposals/decisions made; discussion tabled for future meeting
7. Emergent issues (arose within 72 hours of BOD meeting)
Sofa and chair deposited in common area over weekend have now been picked up. Residents will be informed via newsletter that our private trash company does not provide bulk trash pickups
The four white pine trees that SGSTA planted behind 75xx and 75xx homes were severely trimmed over the previous weekend by the single family homeowner. It was noted that while SGSTA planted the trees approx 8 years ago to replace ones that were previously burned in a fire, it was not exactly clear at the time where the property line was. One of the trees is on our property; one is clearly not on our property; the other two, it is debatable. It is suggested that conversation occur with single family homeowner to come to mutual agreement regarding future maintenance of these trees.
8. Closing remarks and adjournment – President
Steve and Art not available for July meeting;
Next meeting to occur on Weds (August 27th) at Debbie’s house;
Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm.
Meeting called to order at 6:30pm
2. Approval of minutes from previous meeting – Secretary
Minutes from previous meeting were read into record and approved
3. Officers’ reports:
a. President..
Art spoke to xxxx (75xx) regarding un-mowed front lawn. The issue was addressed shortly thereafter.
BOD issued letter to Luis Sandoval regarding termination of his SGSTA secretary position.
BOD issued letter to xxx (75xx) regarding approval of installation of solar attic fan
b. Vice President
Mathias requested that we continue to provide future agenda items to him. The agenda process seems to be flowing and working effectively.
c. Treasurer – 4Q ’07 dues paid?, 75xx update?, Status of reserve
account and environmental fund for ‘08
Dues for 75xx still not received for 4q07. Art to speak with homeowner face-to-face regarding outstanding dues; previous attempts (written, e-mail, verbal) have been unsuccessful.
75xx Update: Real estate agent indicates HOA papers are not yet required as no approved contract is in place; however, real estate agent was not aware that we were self-managed community and that there is no management office for him to contact. We should expect request from him at some point in the future.
Reserve Fund:
$300 for removal of dead tree (Apr 08)
$25.24 – Lawyers Admin Costs (Apr 08)
EPB Fund:
$165 – Parking tags and signs (Mar 08)
$53 – Cherry Tree (Apr 08)
Online account access requires re-enrolling; Steve has forms that need to be completed in order for this to take effect. Online account access will provide other BOD members access to view accounts, but do not provide access to withdraw funds.
d. Secretary – Status of letters (action items from May)
Letters regarding SGSTA BOD secretary position and EPB request for installation of solar attic fan were drafted and submitted to BOD.
New EPB request received from xxx (75xx) for installation of solar attic fan. Approval letter drafted and submitted to BOD. BOD approval is pending.
4. ICC update – Alex (update provided via e-mail)
As you've noticed, construction of the bridge over Shady Grove Rd. has begun.
Lerch, the attorney, continues to be excruciatingly slow but swears he is developing a case with several other related homeowners that he is trying to fight the SHA with.
We are definitely receiving sound barriers behind our neighborhood, though their exact appearance and extent remains a mystery.
Most significantly I am getting close to having the $102,000 check reissued to us. This has required a series of letters to the county clerk's office and the State Roads Commission in Baltimore, each of whom blames the other for the problem. I am at the position where each of their offices has received a series of letters they said they requested, and they are now supposed to be talking to each other as to the next step. I keep getting reassurances that we are close to having the check reissued. (Of course I've been hearing the same thing for three weeks, but...) It looks like we will be able to have it held for pickup in person at the finance office of the county clerk's office. I will let everyone know as soon as this occurs.
5. Unfinished business:
a. Tree trimming in common areas
- Do we need a second quote before proceeding? DECISION
NOTE: Sole sources will occur only if absolutely necessary (i.e., emergency services required); hence reason for multiple quotes for this work was done.
On Tuesday (June 24th), the SGSTA BOD did receive estimate from Schifflett Tree Service – see details below
Discussions ensued on the differences between Capitol Landscaping and Schifflett Tree service. Capitol is primarily a lawn and landscaping company, whereas Schifflett is dedicated to tree service. It was pointed out that the Schifflett estimate ($4500) was roughly 2 times the amount of Capitol estimate ($2200) though it was felt that the work performed by Schifflett would not be limited to 16 feet from ground and would include removing dead limbs throughout the tree.
Regarding funding of this project, concerns were expressed about the high cost of the Schifflett estimate and that we would be digging deep into Reserve Fund and we needed to remember that the Reserve Fund must also be available for maintaining other things (i.e., retaining wall, sidewalks, etc.). Steve indicated that Capitol may have already performed the 3 tree trimmings for this contract year and therefore this project may need to be fully funded from the Reserve Fund. Steve needs to confirm this.
Question was asked why we were looking at removing the Leyland Cypress trees. The intent would be to replace them with “live” trees. We are no longer maintaining these trees due to their current state and that area has an unkempt appearance. The estimate was for planning purposes only and is not work that is planned for this fiscal year.
Vote: Proceed with Schifflett with assumption that price can be negotiated: 3 Yes and 1 Abstention (blank).
Action: Schedule meeting with Schifflett Tree Service to do price negotiations.
Estimate from Schifflett Tree Service
$4500 - Common area tree trimming (cherry trees, dogwoods and evergreens). It would include raising the elevation level of all parking area trees by several feet, removing significant number of dead limbs throughout all trees and removing tree limbs away from homes/roofs/gutters of nearby homes. It would include team of guys who would actually be climbing the trees to ensure that all debris was removed. Mr. Schifflett recommends that this type of tree trimming service be planned for every 3-5 years and confirms that minimal tree trimming may be required in between those times for upkeep, etc. He acknowledges that future major trimming activities should not cost as much if we are doing regular maintenance.
2. $3000-$4000 - Removal of 3 Leyland Cypress trees in front of Alex Witze house which we previously said that we didn't want to trim due to their current state. Mr. Schifflett recommends that we plan to do this specific activity in Jan-Feb as we would be saving about $500 because it would not be their peak season.
b. Move responsibility for parking tags to treasurer? DECISION
Approved and effective immediately; Steve will work with Alex on handing over necessary items
c. Update on storm drain – Debbie
The county made onsite visit to storm drain area behind 75xx and responded that they only maintain 10 feet beyond the storm drain. They feel that there are no issues to be addressed on their part. They did indicate that separate in-flows on Weatherby Drive and Berclair are sources of trash at the out-flow.
While no real outcome was derived from this investigation, we were able to learn more about the county process and will pay extra attention to the in-flow areas to prevent trash from getting into storm drain.
d. Update on streetlight – Debbie
Done; New light was installed at intersection of Weatherby Drive and Berclair and is now functional.
6. New business:
a. Committee stand-up. DECISION
· Environmental protection
· Long range planning
· Bylaws/Covenants amendment
· Other?
Newsletter (to be distributed in July 2008) will include request for volunteers for participation in following committees: EPB, Long range planning and Bylaws/Covenants amendment.
EPB Committee: Art, Debbie and Pete have indicated interest in remaining on committee.
Long range Planning Committee: Mathias has indicated interest in chairing this committee.
Bylaws/Covenants Amendment Committee: An example of possible covenants amendments discussed is the parking enforcement process implemented in April 2008. Conversation ensued regarding letter received from 75xx (tenant) with list of issues regarding enforced parking restrictions that were implemented in April 2008. Letter was received, but no response has been made.
b. How $100K changes our financial practices (internal)
- Protect Steve (Treasurer) from suspicion/questioning – need?
- Can we avoid bonding by increasing transparency? How?
Discussion on bonding:
· Bonding is for people with fiduciary responsibilities;
· By-laws do not specifically mandate bonding; the by-laws indicate that BOD’s should obtain bonding if it is deemed appropriate.
· In prior meeting discussions, BOD had decided to obtain bonding if/when account balances exceeded $100K due to cost of bonding. In absence of bonding, other audit controls would be followed (i.e., bank account access would be granted to 2 or more BOD members, end of year audits, etc.)
No proposals/decisions made; discussion tabled for future meeting
7. Emergent issues (arose within 72 hours of BOD meeting)
Sofa and chair deposited in common area over weekend have now been picked up. Residents will be informed via newsletter that our private trash company does not provide bulk trash pickups
The four white pine trees that SGSTA planted behind 75xx and 75xx homes were severely trimmed over the previous weekend by the single family homeowner. It was noted that while SGSTA planted the trees approx 8 years ago to replace ones that were previously burned in a fire, it was not exactly clear at the time where the property line was. One of the trees is on our property; one is clearly not on our property; the other two, it is debatable. It is suggested that conversation occur with single family homeowner to come to mutual agreement regarding future maintenance of these trees.
8. Closing remarks and adjournment – President
Steve and Art not available for July meeting;
Next meeting to occur on Weds (August 27th) at Debbie’s house;
Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm.
Monday, June 02, 2008
Minutes of BOD Meeting - May 2008
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:30pm
Adoption of Agenda
Approval of Previous Minutes:
Minutes from the prior meeting were read and two small amendments made:
1. Delete section “The EPB committee consists of Art, Debbie and Pete” (as this has not been officially decided) and
2. Correct the following sentence: “The BOD has NOT decided on what will be done with the two extra spaces in our lot for now.”
Report of Officers:
· President Report: Art noted that board members should send agenda items for meetings to Mathias ahead of each meeting.
· Treasurer Report: Steve indicated that one household has not yet paid 4Q’07 dues though they have paid 1Q’08 dues. Steve will pursue getting the late payment from the one household.
Report of Standing Committees:
ICC Committee:
(1) ICC – Receipt of sale transfer funds:
Art brought up the issue of the $102,000 ICC check. The status is as follows: On April 18, the county clerk cut and mailed the check for $102,000, made out to SGSTA, to an old address they had on file (despite the address having been updated with them several times to PO Box 5775): c/o Harry Adkins, 75xx Weatherby Drive. Numerous attempts have been made to locate the check, and to no success. Alex spoke with both Patrick and Rachel Showalter, current residents of 75xx, and they have not seen it. Art went to the county clerk’s office and spoke several times with a Kimberly Horn in the finance office there, who says the check has not been cashed. It was agreed that Alex will take on responsibility of chasing the check down. Jean suggested involving councilmember Phil Andrews as one possibility. Greg Smith noted that the wrong house was knocked down for ICC construction in Cashell Estates last week, and urged that any problems be well documented.
Alex provided an update on the tax situation regarding the ICC check, should we ever manage to get hold of it. She spoke with a tax lawyer in the office of Lerch Early and Associates, who recommended using an accountant familiar with HOAs. Alex called two of these and got price quotes for having an accountant do our taxes this year. The first firm, in Virginia, charges $500, and the second, in Maryland, charges $400. Alex is getting paperwork from the latter (Mohn and Allen) should we wish to hire them. Mathias questioned whether we really needed an accountant and whether a tax attorney would be more appropriate; Alex will look into this.
(2) ICC – Sound Barriers:
Mathias questioned the status of a sound barrier for the ICC. Alex has not been able to get an answer from the SHA as to whether enough residents have voted for one in our neighborhood or not. Steve and others who attended a SHA meeting on the matter were unable to shed light on it. Alex will check with SHA on this.
(3) ICC – Federal Appeals:
Greg noted that stoptheicc.org will go live in about ten days with resources and more information. Interested constituents are meeting with Rep. Chris Van Hollen next Monday to discuss the ICC. Greg asked the BOD for money to help support a federal appeal of the lawsuit to delay the ICC. No decision was taken.
· Common Area Tree Pruning:
Steve coordinated walk-thru of property with Capitol City to get estimate for pruning of mature common area trees and to identify trees that required pruning and maintenance. Art, Pete, Debbie, Steve and Bart (from Capitol) participated in this walk-thru. Approximately 30 of the 40 trees on our property required pruning and were identified to Capitol during this walk-thru. Estimate received from Capitol was $2200 to perform this work which did include the use of a chipper for the tree limbs. BOD has authorized the spending of $2200 (to be paid from Reserve Fund) for tree trimming work to be performed this year, but it was agreed that a second estimate needed to be obtained. Debbie will contact Schifflett Tree Service for 2nd estimate.
NOTE: Amount of money to be removed from Reserve Fund to pay for this work will need to be finalized since unused portion of our 3 ‘minor’ tree trimmings can be applied towards this task. Steve will contact Capitol to see what amount of money is left over from this year’s contract.
· Mowing of individual lots; Art will speak with the current list of neighbors who have not mowed their lawns in recent weeks.
· Debbie is working with County representatives to see if there is anything that can be done to reduce the amount of debris that comes out of storm drain located behind 75xx.
· Debbie is working with County representatives to get streetlight at intersection of Berclair and Weatherby in working order.
· Greg & Melissa have been contacted and they will shortly be turning over EPB records to Art.
Unfinished Business:
· Bonding of officers with financial responsibilities (not discussed; tabled for future meeting)
New Business:
· None
· None
Other items:
· Discussion ensued on Luis Sandoval, who had been elected secretary but has not been able to attend any board meetings. The BOD decided to replace Luis with Debbie Edgerly as secretary, effective immediately, and let Luis know he is welcome to attend board meetings any time in a non-secretarial capacity.
· Received letter from Roth residence (75xx) requesting approval for installation of solar attic fan. Request acknowledged and approved.
Future Discussion Items:
· EPB Spring 2008 Walk-thru
· Steve has obtained 3 estimates for replacing all the fences in our community; the best estimate was $46k, which we can discuss at next meeting if time allows.
Action Items:
· Send letter to Luis Sandoval regarding secretary position
· Send letter to Mathias Roth regarding approval for installation of solar attic fan
· 75xx is under contract and the paperwork needs to be sent to Real Estate Agent, specifically the EPB violations
· Debbie to call Schifflett Tree Service to arrange time to get 2nd estimate on tree trimming work. Debbie to work with Art, Steve and Pete to coordinate schedules to have one or more of individuals participate in walk-thru.
· Art will host the next Board meeting on June 25th.
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:30pm
Adoption of Agenda
Approval of Previous Minutes:
Minutes from the prior meeting were read and two small amendments made:
1. Delete section “The EPB committee consists of Art, Debbie and Pete” (as this has not been officially decided) and
2. Correct the following sentence: “The BOD has NOT decided on what will be done with the two extra spaces in our lot for now.”
Report of Officers:
· President Report: Art noted that board members should send agenda items for meetings to Mathias ahead of each meeting.
· Treasurer Report: Steve indicated that one household has not yet paid 4Q’07 dues though they have paid 1Q’08 dues. Steve will pursue getting the late payment from the one household.
Report of Standing Committees:
ICC Committee:
(1) ICC – Receipt of sale transfer funds:
Art brought up the issue of the $102,000 ICC check. The status is as follows: On April 18, the county clerk cut and mailed the check for $102,000, made out to SGSTA, to an old address they had on file (despite the address having been updated with them several times to PO Box 5775): c/o Harry Adkins, 75xx Weatherby Drive. Numerous attempts have been made to locate the check, and to no success. Alex spoke with both Patrick and Rachel Showalter, current residents of 75xx, and they have not seen it. Art went to the county clerk’s office and spoke several times with a Kimberly Horn in the finance office there, who says the check has not been cashed. It was agreed that Alex will take on responsibility of chasing the check down. Jean suggested involving councilmember Phil Andrews as one possibility. Greg Smith noted that the wrong house was knocked down for ICC construction in Cashell Estates last week, and urged that any problems be well documented.
Alex provided an update on the tax situation regarding the ICC check, should we ever manage to get hold of it. She spoke with a tax lawyer in the office of Lerch Early and Associates, who recommended using an accountant familiar with HOAs. Alex called two of these and got price quotes for having an accountant do our taxes this year. The first firm, in Virginia, charges $500, and the second, in Maryland, charges $400. Alex is getting paperwork from the latter (Mohn and Allen) should we wish to hire them. Mathias questioned whether we really needed an accountant and whether a tax attorney would be more appropriate; Alex will look into this.
(2) ICC – Sound Barriers:
Mathias questioned the status of a sound barrier for the ICC. Alex has not been able to get an answer from the SHA as to whether enough residents have voted for one in our neighborhood or not. Steve and others who attended a SHA meeting on the matter were unable to shed light on it. Alex will check with SHA on this.
(3) ICC – Federal Appeals:
Greg noted that stoptheicc.org will go live in about ten days with resources and more information. Interested constituents are meeting with Rep. Chris Van Hollen next Monday to discuss the ICC. Greg asked the BOD for money to help support a federal appeal of the lawsuit to delay the ICC. No decision was taken.
· Common Area Tree Pruning:
Steve coordinated walk-thru of property with Capitol City to get estimate for pruning of mature common area trees and to identify trees that required pruning and maintenance. Art, Pete, Debbie, Steve and Bart (from Capitol) participated in this walk-thru. Approximately 30 of the 40 trees on our property required pruning and were identified to Capitol during this walk-thru. Estimate received from Capitol was $2200 to perform this work which did include the use of a chipper for the tree limbs. BOD has authorized the spending of $2200 (to be paid from Reserve Fund) for tree trimming work to be performed this year, but it was agreed that a second estimate needed to be obtained. Debbie will contact Schifflett Tree Service for 2nd estimate.
NOTE: Amount of money to be removed from Reserve Fund to pay for this work will need to be finalized since unused portion of our 3 ‘minor’ tree trimmings can be applied towards this task. Steve will contact Capitol to see what amount of money is left over from this year’s contract.
· Mowing of individual lots; Art will speak with the current list of neighbors who have not mowed their lawns in recent weeks.
· Debbie is working with County representatives to see if there is anything that can be done to reduce the amount of debris that comes out of storm drain located behind 75xx.
· Debbie is working with County representatives to get streetlight at intersection of Berclair and Weatherby in working order.
· Greg & Melissa have been contacted and they will shortly be turning over EPB records to Art.
Unfinished Business:
· Bonding of officers with financial responsibilities (not discussed; tabled for future meeting)
New Business:
· None
· None
Other items:
· Discussion ensued on Luis Sandoval, who had been elected secretary but has not been able to attend any board meetings. The BOD decided to replace Luis with Debbie Edgerly as secretary, effective immediately, and let Luis know he is welcome to attend board meetings any time in a non-secretarial capacity.
· Received letter from Roth residence (75xx) requesting approval for installation of solar attic fan. Request acknowledged and approved.
Future Discussion Items:
· EPB Spring 2008 Walk-thru
· Steve has obtained 3 estimates for replacing all the fences in our community; the best estimate was $46k, which we can discuss at next meeting if time allows.
Action Items:
· Send letter to Luis Sandoval regarding secretary position
· Send letter to Mathias Roth regarding approval for installation of solar attic fan
· 75xx is under contract and the paperwork needs to be sent to Real Estate Agent, specifically the EPB violations
· Debbie to call Schifflett Tree Service to arrange time to get 2nd estimate on tree trimming work. Debbie to work with Art, Steve and Pete to coordinate schedules to have one or more of individuals participate in walk-thru.
· Art will host the next Board meeting on June 25th.
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm
Minutes of BOD Meeting - April 2008
The SGSTA Board of Directors for 2008 met to discuss items brought up at the last meeting, which was held in March. In addition to those items the following topics were covered: Board member roles/responsibilities, HOA actions for current housing sales, Environmental Protection Board status and plans, ICC Update, Action items for the next meeting.
2008 Board Members:
The following individuals have volunteered to serve on the SGSTA BOD for 2008: Arthur Carter, Steven Edgar, Mathias Roth, Luis Sandoval. Debbie and Alex will be non-voting board members and will assist with committees or wherever needed.
Adoption of Agenda
Approval of Previous Minutes
· The minutes should reflect Alex and Debbie have volunteered to assist the board. Alex will continue to serve as the ICC point of contact.
· Alex’s ICC and Parking update via email was read into the minutes
· Art authorized that Alex sign the contract w/Stronghold Towing
· The EPB committee consists of Art, Debbie, and Pete
Report of Officers
· Art would like to discuss roles/duties of officers at the next meeting
· The agenda will no longer consist of reports from each BOD member unless something specific to address
· The president should be notified of all issues prior to discussion at BOD meetings
· The board still would like to acquire the list put together by the EPB in December
· Mathias suggested a separate informal meeting on weekends for BOD members
Report of Standing Committees
· Ornamental trees in the neighborhood need to be trimmed due to safety issue
· Tree was removed in front of 75xx and replaced with a Yoshino Cherry Tree
· A follow-up discussion on whether or not we should hire an accountant took place.
Unfinished Business
· The ICC check was sent to Harry Adkins at 75xx who no longer resides. Art will follow-up.
New Business
· The BOD has decided on what will be done with the 2 extra spaces in our lot for now
· Mathias asked about the ICC progress what was used as justification for additional money
· EPB issues for 75xx need to be addressed prior to the sale
· The tenants in 75xx have moved out
Other items:
Resident concerns
· What is to be done for residents that do not mow lawns?
· The topic of bonding was raised. The officers handling the money will need to be bonded.
· It is appreciated if the Tow Truck company is a little more considerate of noise during hours where residents are asleep
Action Items:
· 75xx is under contract and the paperwork needs to be sent to Real Estate Agent, specifically the EPB violations
· Steve will call Capitol on getting estimate for neighborhood tree trimming
· Jean will keep dialogue open with accountant for specific questions about the SGSTA situation
· Mathias will host the next Board meeting on May 28
The SGSTA Board of Directors for 2008 met to discuss items brought up at the last meeting, which was held in March. In addition to those items the following topics were covered: Board member roles/responsibilities, HOA actions for current housing sales, Environmental Protection Board status and plans, ICC Update, Action items for the next meeting.
2008 Board Members:
The following individuals have volunteered to serve on the SGSTA BOD for 2008: Arthur Carter, Steven Edgar, Mathias Roth, Luis Sandoval. Debbie and Alex will be non-voting board members and will assist with committees or wherever needed.
Adoption of Agenda
Approval of Previous Minutes
· The minutes should reflect Alex and Debbie have volunteered to assist the board. Alex will continue to serve as the ICC point of contact.
· Alex’s ICC and Parking update via email was read into the minutes
· Art authorized that Alex sign the contract w/Stronghold Towing
· The EPB committee consists of Art, Debbie, and Pete
Report of Officers
· Art would like to discuss roles/duties of officers at the next meeting
· The agenda will no longer consist of reports from each BOD member unless something specific to address
· The president should be notified of all issues prior to discussion at BOD meetings
· The board still would like to acquire the list put together by the EPB in December
· Mathias suggested a separate informal meeting on weekends for BOD members
Report of Standing Committees
· Ornamental trees in the neighborhood need to be trimmed due to safety issue
· Tree was removed in front of 75xx and replaced with a Yoshino Cherry Tree
· A follow-up discussion on whether or not we should hire an accountant took place.
Unfinished Business
· The ICC check was sent to Harry Adkins at 75xx who no longer resides. Art will follow-up.
New Business
· The BOD has decided on what will be done with the 2 extra spaces in our lot for now
· Mathias asked about the ICC progress what was used as justification for additional money
· EPB issues for 75xx need to be addressed prior to the sale
· The tenants in 75xx have moved out
Other items:
Resident concerns
· What is to be done for residents that do not mow lawns?
· The topic of bonding was raised. The officers handling the money will need to be bonded.
· It is appreciated if the Tow Truck company is a little more considerate of noise during hours where residents are asleep
Action Items:
· 75xx is under contract and the paperwork needs to be sent to Real Estate Agent, specifically the EPB violations
· Steve will call Capitol on getting estimate for neighborhood tree trimming
· Jean will keep dialogue open with accountant for specific questions about the SGSTA situation
· Mathias will host the next Board meeting on May 28
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Minutes of BOD meeting, 3/26/08
Prepared By: Steven Edgar
Meeting Participants: Steven Edgar, Debbie Edgerly, Arthur Carter, Mathias Roth, Jean Smith
Subject: Shady Grove Station Townhouse Association Board Meeting
Date: March 26, 2008
The SGSTA Board of Directors for 2008 met to discuss items brought up at the last meeting, which was held in February. In addition to those items the following topics were covered: Board member roles/responsibilities, HOA actions for current housing sales, Environmental Protection Board status and plans, Action items for the next meeting.
2008 Board Members:
The following individuals have volunteered to serve on the SGSTA BOD for 2008: Arthur Carter, Steven Edgar, Mathias Roth, Luis Sandoval, Debbie Edgerly, and Alex Witze. Debbie and Alex will be non-voting board members and will assist with committees or wherever needed.
President’s Report (Art)
• Paperwork will need to be finalized before the sale of any houses in the neighborhood
• The board would like to acquire the list put together by the EPB in December
• The board is in the process of writing a welcome letter to be provided to new residences. The letter was reviewed by the board and will be finalized by June.
• Contact MCCOC on SGSTA representation (no contact has been made for several years). Items such as fallen tree on corner of Epsilon/Shady Grove would be addressed.
Treasurer’s Report (Steve)
• The Waste Management contract has been negotiated for the 3 years (2008 – 2010) at 2007 fixed pricing. The fuel/environmental fee is variable and continues to rise because of escalating gas prices.
• A discussion on whether or not we should hire an accountant took place.
1. How much will it cost?
2. Should we wait until next year?
ICC Update (Alex via email)
• The necessary ‘petition to withdraw’ was sent to Peyton Paul Phillips, the circuit court clerk of Montgomery County.
• On March 19 a letter was received saying the court requires a ‘proposed order’ to the process the check.
• Alex is investigating
• Alex and Debbie met with the SGSTA lawyer Harry Lerch, and SHA representative, and the state lawyer.
• The state lawyer is resistant to arguments for more money
• Mr. Lerch is going to send detailed arguments in writing; if unsuccessful we will move to the board of property review.
Parking Update
• Parking tags were distributed to all homeowners except 7512
• The new parking enforcement will begin April 15
• Art mentioned that only the President/Treasurer are allowed to enter the HOA into a contract (i.e. Stronghold Parking)
• Nothing will be done with the 2 extra spaces in our lot for now
• Residents on Berclair Terrace should be notified about the new parking regulations
• Extra hang tags belong to the homeowners and can not be sold
Committee Reports
• The EPB committee (Debbie, Art) will need to acquire materials from the outgoing EPB (Gregg and Melissa Price)
• Debbie emailed a list of EPB projects that will be discussed in their next meeting
• A motion was passed to replace the dead tree in front of 7503 at a cost of appx. $300 using funds from the reserve account.
• Mathias asked what the approval process was for using funds in the reserve account
• EPB issues for 7531 need to be addressed prior to the sale
Other items:
Resident concerns
• Jean mentioned a tire slashing incident on Berclair Terrace
• Debbie sent an email to everyone about a possible criminal activity with the U.S. Postal being investigated
• A situation with rats was discussed
1. Trash should not be put out early
2. Dog feces need to be picked up
3. Residents need to be reminded of this in next newsletter
Action Items:
• Jean volunteered to speak with an accountant about the money we are receiving from the state. Specifically about tax implications.
• Debbie will work with Shifflet on removing dead tree in front of 7503 and will look into the cost of planting a new tree
• Dues for Q2 will be sent out this weekend
• Arthur will host the next Board meeting on April 30
Meeting Participants: Steven Edgar, Debbie Edgerly, Arthur Carter, Mathias Roth, Jean Smith
Subject: Shady Grove Station Townhouse Association Board Meeting
Date: March 26, 2008
The SGSTA Board of Directors for 2008 met to discuss items brought up at the last meeting, which was held in February. In addition to those items the following topics were covered: Board member roles/responsibilities, HOA actions for current housing sales, Environmental Protection Board status and plans, Action items for the next meeting.
2008 Board Members:
The following individuals have volunteered to serve on the SGSTA BOD for 2008: Arthur Carter, Steven Edgar, Mathias Roth, Luis Sandoval, Debbie Edgerly, and Alex Witze. Debbie and Alex will be non-voting board members and will assist with committees or wherever needed.
President’s Report (Art)
• Paperwork will need to be finalized before the sale of any houses in the neighborhood
• The board would like to acquire the list put together by the EPB in December
• The board is in the process of writing a welcome letter to be provided to new residences. The letter was reviewed by the board and will be finalized by June.
• Contact MCCOC on SGSTA representation (no contact has been made for several years). Items such as fallen tree on corner of Epsilon/Shady Grove would be addressed.
Treasurer’s Report (Steve)
• The Waste Management contract has been negotiated for the 3 years (2008 – 2010) at 2007 fixed pricing. The fuel/environmental fee is variable and continues to rise because of escalating gas prices.
• A discussion on whether or not we should hire an accountant took place.
1. How much will it cost?
2. Should we wait until next year?
ICC Update (Alex via email)
• The necessary ‘petition to withdraw’ was sent to Peyton Paul Phillips, the circuit court clerk of Montgomery County.
• On March 19 a letter was received saying the court requires a ‘proposed order’ to the process the check.
• Alex is investigating
• Alex and Debbie met with the SGSTA lawyer Harry Lerch, and SHA representative, and the state lawyer.
• The state lawyer is resistant to arguments for more money
• Mr. Lerch is going to send detailed arguments in writing; if unsuccessful we will move to the board of property review.
Parking Update
• Parking tags were distributed to all homeowners except 7512
• The new parking enforcement will begin April 15
• Art mentioned that only the President/Treasurer are allowed to enter the HOA into a contract (i.e. Stronghold Parking)
• Nothing will be done with the 2 extra spaces in our lot for now
• Residents on Berclair Terrace should be notified about the new parking regulations
• Extra hang tags belong to the homeowners and can not be sold
Committee Reports
• The EPB committee (Debbie, Art) will need to acquire materials from the outgoing EPB (Gregg and Melissa Price)
• Debbie emailed a list of EPB projects that will be discussed in their next meeting
• A motion was passed to replace the dead tree in front of 7503 at a cost of appx. $300 using funds from the reserve account.
• Mathias asked what the approval process was for using funds in the reserve account
• EPB issues for 7531 need to be addressed prior to the sale
Other items:
Resident concerns
• Jean mentioned a tire slashing incident on Berclair Terrace
• Debbie sent an email to everyone about a possible criminal activity with the U.S. Postal being investigated
• A situation with rats was discussed
1. Trash should not be put out early
2. Dog feces need to be picked up
3. Residents need to be reminded of this in next newsletter
Action Items:
• Jean volunteered to speak with an accountant about the money we are receiving from the state. Specifically about tax implications.
• Debbie will work with Shifflet on removing dead tree in front of 7503 and will look into the cost of planting a new tree
• Dues for Q2 will be sent out this weekend
• Arthur will host the next Board meeting on April 30
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Minutes of annual meeting
Shady Grove Station Townhouse Association
Annual meeting 2008
February 10, 2008, at #7519 (Witze’s house)
In attendance: Pete Patellis (7506), Art Carter (7522), Melissa and Gregg Price (7527), Jean Smith (7521), Ottie Gates (7505), Debbie Edgerly (7529), Mathias Roth (7511), Chi-Ang Yuen (7523), Larry Flores (7515), Luis Sandoval (7503), Tavi Alvarez (7532), Lynne McConnell (7501), Alex Witze and Jeff Kanipe (7519)
Minutes by Alex Witze, outgoing secretary, SGSTA
Art Carter, the outgoing president of SGSTA, called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.
Art opened by thanking the community for their hard work over the past year. Steve Edgar, treasurer, was sick and so Art presented the proposed budget for 2008. Items of discussion included the $2,000 paid to appraiser Hal Gearhart for an ICC-related study; the intent is to pay this back out of the funds we receive from the state regarding the ICC taking. Costs for Capitol Landscaping and Waste Management continue to rise, but the outgoing board negotiated a 2-year deal with Capitol so those costs are set for 2008. Waste Management’s fee increases are something of a mystery, but Steve has indicated he will pursue this in his next conversation with them.
Debbie noted that several items should be included in the 2008 budget, such as potential budgeting for a tax accountant should we need one to deal with ICC monies; any potential costs associated with hiring lawyer Harry Lerch regarding the ICC (such as copying and phone expenses); and the cost for parking signs and hangtags. In addition she recommended adding in the reserve fund as a line item with amounts going in and out throughout the year instead of a year-end total. Debbie and Steve will discuss. The budget as broadly outlined was passed by a voice vote, pending further possible amendments.
Alex presented an ICC update. Residents in row 1, plus 7518 and 7520, have been asked to vote on whether or not we want a sound barrier for the neighborhood. The state has been having public meetings to this effect and 75 percent approval of resident voters are required for the barrier to be constructed. It is still unclear whether that means 75 percent of returned ballots or 75 percent of voters. Alex can provide details to anyone as needed on who was determined to be a voting resident or not with regard to the sound barriers (in essence it boils down to how close to the road you will be). The sound barrier, if approved, will be 18 feet high behind our community, atop the 24-foot-high embankment as it approaches the Shady Grove Rd overpass. The SHA holds public meetings on the second Thursday of each month at its offices in Rockville; call 866-462-0020 to make an appointment with a representative. No sound barrier is planned for along Shady Grove Rd.
SGSTA has retained Bethesda lawyer Harry Lerch to represent us in the fight for more money. A meeting with Witze, Lerch, and the State Highway Administration and its lawyer is scheduled for February 13. [Note added later: this was delayed due to weather and has been rescheduled for March 12.] SGSTA is in the process of getting the ‘petition to withdraw’ to get the initial $102,000 offered to us by the state. Jean noted that we should ensure the fund we put that into is FDIC insured. The board had planned to place it into a money market fund with United Bank. Mathias questioned whether the tax implications of withdrawing the money and where it should be placed. Alex and/or Steve will research before depositing the money.
Alex then presented an update on the new parking situation. The outgoing board of directors voted to adopt a hangtag situation for parking. Each unit will received 2 parking hangtags. Any vehicle parked on Weatherby Drive without a hangtag, between the hours of 7 pm and 7 am, will be towed. The current status of not parking in someone else’s reserved space still holds; and even if you are parked in your reserve space you still must have a hangtag. Alex is in charge of acquiring the hangtags, and distributing them with plenty of notice to residents before towing is enforced. This will happen sometime this spring.
Melissa as the nominating committee then led the elections procedure. New officers for 2008 are as follows: Art Carter, president; Mathias Roth, vice-president; Steve Edgar, treasurer; Luis Sandoval, secretary; Alex Witze and Debbie Edgerly, board members at large.
The meeting was adjourned.
Annual meeting 2008
February 10, 2008, at #7519 (Witze’s house)
In attendance: Pete Patellis (7506), Art Carter (7522), Melissa and Gregg Price (7527), Jean Smith (7521), Ottie Gates (7505), Debbie Edgerly (7529), Mathias Roth (7511), Chi-Ang Yuen (7523), Larry Flores (7515), Luis Sandoval (7503), Tavi Alvarez (7532), Lynne McConnell (7501), Alex Witze and Jeff Kanipe (7519)
Minutes by Alex Witze, outgoing secretary, SGSTA
Art Carter, the outgoing president of SGSTA, called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.
Art opened by thanking the community for their hard work over the past year. Steve Edgar, treasurer, was sick and so Art presented the proposed budget for 2008. Items of discussion included the $2,000 paid to appraiser Hal Gearhart for an ICC-related study; the intent is to pay this back out of the funds we receive from the state regarding the ICC taking. Costs for Capitol Landscaping and Waste Management continue to rise, but the outgoing board negotiated a 2-year deal with Capitol so those costs are set for 2008. Waste Management’s fee increases are something of a mystery, but Steve has indicated he will pursue this in his next conversation with them.
Debbie noted that several items should be included in the 2008 budget, such as potential budgeting for a tax accountant should we need one to deal with ICC monies; any potential costs associated with hiring lawyer Harry Lerch regarding the ICC (such as copying and phone expenses); and the cost for parking signs and hangtags. In addition she recommended adding in the reserve fund as a line item with amounts going in and out throughout the year instead of a year-end total. Debbie and Steve will discuss. The budget as broadly outlined was passed by a voice vote, pending further possible amendments.
Alex presented an ICC update. Residents in row 1, plus 7518 and 7520, have been asked to vote on whether or not we want a sound barrier for the neighborhood. The state has been having public meetings to this effect and 75 percent approval of resident voters are required for the barrier to be constructed. It is still unclear whether that means 75 percent of returned ballots or 75 percent of voters. Alex can provide details to anyone as needed on who was determined to be a voting resident or not with regard to the sound barriers (in essence it boils down to how close to the road you will be). The sound barrier, if approved, will be 18 feet high behind our community, atop the 24-foot-high embankment as it approaches the Shady Grove Rd overpass. The SHA holds public meetings on the second Thursday of each month at its offices in Rockville; call 866-462-0020 to make an appointment with a representative. No sound barrier is planned for along Shady Grove Rd.
SGSTA has retained Bethesda lawyer Harry Lerch to represent us in the fight for more money. A meeting with Witze, Lerch, and the State Highway Administration and its lawyer is scheduled for February 13. [Note added later: this was delayed due to weather and has been rescheduled for March 12.] SGSTA is in the process of getting the ‘petition to withdraw’ to get the initial $102,000 offered to us by the state. Jean noted that we should ensure the fund we put that into is FDIC insured. The board had planned to place it into a money market fund with United Bank. Mathias questioned whether the tax implications of withdrawing the money and where it should be placed. Alex and/or Steve will research before depositing the money.
Alex then presented an update on the new parking situation. The outgoing board of directors voted to adopt a hangtag situation for parking. Each unit will received 2 parking hangtags. Any vehicle parked on Weatherby Drive without a hangtag, between the hours of 7 pm and 7 am, will be towed. The current status of not parking in someone else’s reserved space still holds; and even if you are parked in your reserve space you still must have a hangtag. Alex is in charge of acquiring the hangtags, and distributing them with plenty of notice to residents before towing is enforced. This will happen sometime this spring.
Melissa as the nominating committee then led the elections procedure. New officers for 2008 are as follows: Art Carter, president; Mathias Roth, vice-president; Steve Edgar, treasurer; Luis Sandoval, secretary; Alex Witze and Debbie Edgerly, board members at large.
The meeting was adjourned.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Minutes of Jan. 16 BOD meeting
SGSTA board of directors meeting
January 16, 2008
In attendance: Art Carter (president), Steve Edgar (treasurer), Alex Witze (secretary)
Location: #7522 (Carter’s house)
Art called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
The minutes for the prior meeting were read and approved.
Art provided a president’s update. There was much discussion of the wrecked silver Toyota Corolla, which the police indicate belongs to unit 7503. Art will speak with the owner about removing the vehicle, which has been there since December, and if it is not resolved between himself and the owner the board will have the vehicle towed and charge the owner for the expense. Additionally there was discussion of the trash that was put out during Christmas week despite the notices placed on the mailboxes about how trash pickup was limited during that week. No decision was reached on how to avoid similar instances in the future.
Steve provided a treasurer’s update. One unit still has not paid fourth quarter dues for 2007, and Art will speak to that unit. Steve has not instigated a notice in the dues slips that interest will be charged at the rate of 6% per annum for late dues, as is stipulated in the community bylaws. Steve noted that as most people had been paying on time he did not feel it necessary to institute this change. Art and Alex proposed reconsidering this.
Steve put forth the proposed budget for 2008. The main issues in terms of unexpected expenses for 2007 are: (1) the $2,000 paid to appraiser Hal Gearhart for his report; (2) Waste Management rates, which continue to go up from month to month; (3) Capitol Landscaping, which has also gone up but at a prenegotiated rate; (4) a $435 credit from Capitol regarding mows that were not used this year. It was agreed that Steve would speak with Waste Management about the rate increases to clarify when and how often they raise rates, and whether we should be looking at alternate pickup services. (In the past, rate quotes have been gathered, but Waste Management provides twice weekly pickups which in the past have been regarded as preferable to once weekly pickups.) There was discussion as to whether dues needed to be raised for 2008, but Steve recommended that they need not be at this time. Steve will present the budget at the annual meeting which will be Feb. 10 at #7519 at 7 p.m.
There was discussion of the ICC monies. Alex had been holding out for some time on accepting the initial $102,000 from the state, thinking that that would give us more negotiating power in trying to get more money. Following many months of discussion with other neighborhood groups and with the attorney we are likely to retain, she recommends, and Art and Steve agreed, to withdraw the $102,000 so that it is in the coffers by the annual meeting. Alex will pursue the details of how to withdraw the money and deposit it in an SGSTA account. Steve has researched details of where to put the money and the choice is a money market fund with United Bank, which currently serves SGSTA in both checking and savings accounts already. For the amount involved the interest rate will be over 5 percent – at the time of checking several months ago it was 5.4 percent if Alex remembers correctly. It was agreed that the ICC money should remain in a sort of ‘lock box’ – being used only to repay the $2,000 to Hal Gearhart – and not otherwise touched for any community expenses until some sort of long-term plan can be set up as to what to do with the money. It was recommended that the new board of directors establish a long-term planning committee to come up with options as to what to do with the ICC money, on which the neighborhood can then vote.
There was discussion of the annual meeting on Feb. 10. Melissa will head the nominating committee, so anyone who wants to run for a board position (president, vice-president, secretary or treasurer) should contact Melissa prior to the meeting. Alex will send out another note to this effect.
Discussion on parking ensued. The board voted to accept the parking proposal outlined as such: Each unit receives two hangtags. Any vehicle parked on Weatherby Dr. without displaying one of these hangtags on its rear-view mirror, between the hours of 7 pm and 7 am, will be towed. That’s it. The new rules will go into effect after Alex can set up the system and notify everyone in plenty of time (45 days was discussed as a target). The only charge to SGSTA is to order two signs (estimated cost $60 total) explaining the rules, to be posted at the entrance of the community and in the cul-de-sac, and the hangtags themselves (estimated at less than $100). The current rule of not parking in someone’s reserved space still holds. Hangtags for rental units will be distributed to the owners only, who are responsible for getting them to their renters. A lost hangtag incurs a fee of $10 to replace. Alex will make up a flier explaining all this for distribution and discussion at the annual meeting, and then distribution to all residents and owners thereafter.
The next meeting will be the annual meeting, Feb. 10 at 7 p.m. at #7519.
The meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.
January 16, 2008
In attendance: Art Carter (president), Steve Edgar (treasurer), Alex Witze (secretary)
Location: #7522 (Carter’s house)
Art called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
The minutes for the prior meeting were read and approved.
Art provided a president’s update. There was much discussion of the wrecked silver Toyota Corolla, which the police indicate belongs to unit 7503. Art will speak with the owner about removing the vehicle, which has been there since December, and if it is not resolved between himself and the owner the board will have the vehicle towed and charge the owner for the expense. Additionally there was discussion of the trash that was put out during Christmas week despite the notices placed on the mailboxes about how trash pickup was limited during that week. No decision was reached on how to avoid similar instances in the future.
Steve provided a treasurer’s update. One unit still has not paid fourth quarter dues for 2007, and Art will speak to that unit. Steve has not instigated a notice in the dues slips that interest will be charged at the rate of 6% per annum for late dues, as is stipulated in the community bylaws. Steve noted that as most people had been paying on time he did not feel it necessary to institute this change. Art and Alex proposed reconsidering this.
Steve put forth the proposed budget for 2008. The main issues in terms of unexpected expenses for 2007 are: (1) the $2,000 paid to appraiser Hal Gearhart for his report; (2) Waste Management rates, which continue to go up from month to month; (3) Capitol Landscaping, which has also gone up but at a prenegotiated rate; (4) a $435 credit from Capitol regarding mows that were not used this year. It was agreed that Steve would speak with Waste Management about the rate increases to clarify when and how often they raise rates, and whether we should be looking at alternate pickup services. (In the past, rate quotes have been gathered, but Waste Management provides twice weekly pickups which in the past have been regarded as preferable to once weekly pickups.) There was discussion as to whether dues needed to be raised for 2008, but Steve recommended that they need not be at this time. Steve will present the budget at the annual meeting which will be Feb. 10 at #7519 at 7 p.m.
There was discussion of the ICC monies. Alex had been holding out for some time on accepting the initial $102,000 from the state, thinking that that would give us more negotiating power in trying to get more money. Following many months of discussion with other neighborhood groups and with the attorney we are likely to retain, she recommends, and Art and Steve agreed, to withdraw the $102,000 so that it is in the coffers by the annual meeting. Alex will pursue the details of how to withdraw the money and deposit it in an SGSTA account. Steve has researched details of where to put the money and the choice is a money market fund with United Bank, which currently serves SGSTA in both checking and savings accounts already. For the amount involved the interest rate will be over 5 percent – at the time of checking several months ago it was 5.4 percent if Alex remembers correctly. It was agreed that the ICC money should remain in a sort of ‘lock box’ – being used only to repay the $2,000 to Hal Gearhart – and not otherwise touched for any community expenses until some sort of long-term plan can be set up as to what to do with the money. It was recommended that the new board of directors establish a long-term planning committee to come up with options as to what to do with the ICC money, on which the neighborhood can then vote.
There was discussion of the annual meeting on Feb. 10. Melissa will head the nominating committee, so anyone who wants to run for a board position (president, vice-president, secretary or treasurer) should contact Melissa prior to the meeting. Alex will send out another note to this effect.
Discussion on parking ensued. The board voted to accept the parking proposal outlined as such: Each unit receives two hangtags. Any vehicle parked on Weatherby Dr. without displaying one of these hangtags on its rear-view mirror, between the hours of 7 pm and 7 am, will be towed. That’s it. The new rules will go into effect after Alex can set up the system and notify everyone in plenty of time (45 days was discussed as a target). The only charge to SGSTA is to order two signs (estimated cost $60 total) explaining the rules, to be posted at the entrance of the community and in the cul-de-sac, and the hangtags themselves (estimated at less than $100). The current rule of not parking in someone’s reserved space still holds. Hangtags for rental units will be distributed to the owners only, who are responsible for getting them to their renters. A lost hangtag incurs a fee of $10 to replace. Alex will make up a flier explaining all this for distribution and discussion at the annual meeting, and then distribution to all residents and owners thereafter.
The next meeting will be the annual meeting, Feb. 10 at 7 p.m. at #7519.
The meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Next BOD meeting
The next board of directors meeting will be this Wednesday, Jan. 16, at 6:30 pm at Art Carter's house (7522). As always it is open to all community members. Topics will include preparing the budget for the Feb. 10 annual meeting.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Annual meeting set for Feb. 10
Please mark on your calendars to attend the neighborhood’s annual business meeting:
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, at 7 pm. at #7519
This is the once-yearly meeting in which we will do the following things:
- Discuss and approve the planned budget for 2008
- Elect board members for 2008
- Discuss other issues of interest to the community, including: ICC update, potential new parking regulations, environmental issues and more
Please plan to attend. This is your chance to make a difference in the community! Board positions that will be up for election include President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Think about running for the board and helping keep our neighborhood a wonderful place to live.
You can check http://weatherbydrive.blogspot.com any time to read minutes of past board of directors’ meetings, get ICC updates, and so on. There will be one additional meeting of the current board of directors prior to the Feb. 10 annual meeting; date and place will be posted on the website once it is set.
Finally, just because I have your attention, I just wanted to let everyone know that SGSTA is on the verge of signing a retainer agreement with attorney Harry Lerch of Bethesda, to help us in our fight for more money regarding the ICC. Lerch specializes in real estate issues and will be the one represent us in front of the Board of Property Review next time the State schedules one for us. The tentative agreement we are working on means that Lerch would get 25% of any additional monies (above and beyond the $102,000 we have already been granted) he is able to get from the State. If we do not win any more money we do not owe him anything other than reimbursement for incidental costs such as photocopying, expert witness fees, and the like. I am working with his office to quantify how much these incidental costs might be so that we do not spend too much money on them.
Any questions, email me at awitze@gmail.com or call 301-466-7760. Or talk to the other board members: Art Carter (president) or Steve Edgar (treasurer). Thanks!
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, at 7 pm. at #7519
This is the once-yearly meeting in which we will do the following things:
- Discuss and approve the planned budget for 2008
- Elect board members for 2008
- Discuss other issues of interest to the community, including: ICC update, potential new parking regulations, environmental issues and more
Please plan to attend. This is your chance to make a difference in the community! Board positions that will be up for election include President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Think about running for the board and helping keep our neighborhood a wonderful place to live.
You can check http://weatherbydrive.blogspot.com any time to read minutes of past board of directors’ meetings, get ICC updates, and so on. There will be one additional meeting of the current board of directors prior to the Feb. 10 annual meeting; date and place will be posted on the website once it is set.
Finally, just because I have your attention, I just wanted to let everyone know that SGSTA is on the verge of signing a retainer agreement with attorney Harry Lerch of Bethesda, to help us in our fight for more money regarding the ICC. Lerch specializes in real estate issues and will be the one represent us in front of the Board of Property Review next time the State schedules one for us. The tentative agreement we are working on means that Lerch would get 25% of any additional monies (above and beyond the $102,000 we have already been granted) he is able to get from the State. If we do not win any more money we do not owe him anything other than reimbursement for incidental costs such as photocopying, expert witness fees, and the like. I am working with his office to quantify how much these incidental costs might be so that we do not spend too much money on them.
Any questions, email me at awitze@gmail.com or call 301-466-7760. Or talk to the other board members: Art Carter (president) or Steve Edgar (treasurer). Thanks!
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