Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Minutes of Jan. 16 BOD meeting

SGSTA board of directors meeting

January 16, 2008

In attendance: Art Carter (president), Steve Edgar (treasurer), Alex Witze (secretary)

Location: #7522 (Carter’s house)


Art called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.

The minutes for the prior meeting were read and approved.

Art provided a president’s update. There was much discussion of the wrecked silver Toyota Corolla, which the police indicate belongs to unit 7503. Art will speak with the owner about removing the vehicle, which has been there since December, and if it is not resolved between himself and the owner the board will have the vehicle towed and charge the owner for the expense. Additionally there was discussion of the trash that was put out during Christmas week despite the notices placed on the mailboxes about how trash pickup was limited during that week. No decision was reached on how to avoid similar instances in the future.

Steve provided a treasurer’s update. One unit still has not paid fourth quarter dues for 2007, and Art will speak to that unit. Steve has not instigated a notice in the dues slips that interest will be charged at the rate of 6% per annum for late dues, as is stipulated in the community bylaws. Steve noted that as most people had been paying on time he did not feel it necessary to institute this change. Art and Alex proposed reconsidering this.

Steve put forth the proposed budget for 2008. The main issues in terms of unexpected expenses for 2007 are: (1) the $2,000 paid to appraiser Hal Gearhart for his report; (2) Waste Management rates, which continue to go up from month to month; (3) Capitol Landscaping, which has also gone up but at a prenegotiated rate; (4) a $435 credit from Capitol regarding mows that were not used this year. It was agreed that Steve would speak with Waste Management about the rate increases to clarify when and how often they raise rates, and whether we should be looking at alternate pickup services. (In the past, rate quotes have been gathered, but Waste Management provides twice weekly pickups which in the past have been regarded as preferable to once weekly pickups.) There was discussion as to whether dues needed to be raised for 2008, but Steve recommended that they need not be at this time. Steve will present the budget at the annual meeting which will be Feb. 10 at #7519 at 7 p.m.

There was discussion of the ICC monies. Alex had been holding out for some time on accepting the initial $102,000 from the state, thinking that that would give us more negotiating power in trying to get more money. Following many months of discussion with other neighborhood groups and with the attorney we are likely to retain, she recommends, and Art and Steve agreed, to withdraw the $102,000 so that it is in the coffers by the annual meeting. Alex will pursue the details of how to withdraw the money and deposit it in an SGSTA account. Steve has researched details of where to put the money and the choice is a money market fund with United Bank, which currently serves SGSTA in both checking and savings accounts already. For the amount involved the interest rate will be over 5 percent – at the time of checking several months ago it was 5.4 percent if Alex remembers correctly. It was agreed that the ICC money should remain in a sort of ‘lock box’ – being used only to repay the $2,000 to Hal Gearhart – and not otherwise touched for any community expenses until some sort of long-term plan can be set up as to what to do with the money. It was recommended that the new board of directors establish a long-term planning committee to come up with options as to what to do with the ICC money, on which the neighborhood can then vote.

There was discussion of the annual meeting on Feb. 10. Melissa will head the nominating committee, so anyone who wants to run for a board position (president, vice-president, secretary or treasurer) should contact Melissa prior to the meeting. Alex will send out another note to this effect.

Discussion on parking ensued. The board voted to accept the parking proposal outlined as such: Each unit receives two hangtags. Any vehicle parked on Weatherby Dr. without displaying one of these hangtags on its rear-view mirror, between the hours of 7 pm and 7 am, will be towed. That’s it. The new rules will go into effect after Alex can set up the system and notify everyone in plenty of time (45 days was discussed as a target). The only charge to SGSTA is to order two signs (estimated cost $60 total) explaining the rules, to be posted at the entrance of the community and in the cul-de-sac, and the hangtags themselves (estimated at less than $100). The current rule of not parking in someone’s reserved space still holds. Hangtags for rental units will be distributed to the owners only, who are responsible for getting them to their renters. A lost hangtag incurs a fee of $10 to replace. Alex will make up a flier explaining all this for distribution and discussion at the annual meeting, and then distribution to all residents and owners thereafter.

The next meeting will be the annual meeting, Feb. 10 at 7 p.m. at #7519.

The meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Next BOD meeting

The next board of directors meeting will be this Wednesday, Jan. 16, at 6:30 pm at Art Carter's house (7522). As always it is open to all community members. Topics will include preparing the budget for the Feb. 10 annual meeting.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Annual meeting set for Feb. 10

Please mark on your calendars to attend the neighborhood’s annual business meeting:

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, at 7 pm. at #7519

This is the once-yearly meeting in which we will do the following things:
- Discuss and approve the planned budget for 2008
- Elect board members for 2008
- Discuss other issues of interest to the community, including: ICC update, potential new parking regulations, environmental issues and more

Please plan to attend. This is your chance to make a difference in the community! Board positions that will be up for election include President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Think about running for the board and helping keep our neighborhood a wonderful place to live.

You can check http://weatherbydrive.blogspot.com any time to read minutes of past board of directors’ meetings, get ICC updates, and so on. There will be one additional meeting of the current board of directors prior to the Feb. 10 annual meeting; date and place will be posted on the website once it is set.

Finally, just because I have your attention, I just wanted to let everyone know that SGSTA is on the verge of signing a retainer agreement with attorney Harry Lerch of Bethesda, to help us in our fight for more money regarding the ICC. Lerch specializes in real estate issues and will be the one represent us in front of the Board of Property Review next time the State schedules one for us. The tentative agreement we are working on means that Lerch would get 25% of any additional monies (above and beyond the $102,000 we have already been granted) he is able to get from the State. If we do not win any more money we do not owe him anything other than reimbursement for incidental costs such as photocopying, expert witness fees, and the like. I am working with his office to quantify how much these incidental costs might be so that we do not spend too much money on them.

Any questions, email me at awitze@gmail.com or call 301-466-7760. Or talk to the other board members: Art Carter (president) or Steve Edgar (treasurer). Thanks!