Tuesday, December 12, 2006

ICC: Meeting TUESDAY, Dec. 12, with state representatives

[I received this email from the Campaign to Stop the ICC - I cannot attend, but am posting in case anyone else from SGSTA can. Please note the original posting said Thursday Dec. 12 - it should have said Tuesday Dec. 12.]

Tuesday -- December 12

Shady Grove Town Hall Meeting with State Senators and Delegates from Districts 19 and 39
Make Sure That These State Representatives Hear Your Concerns About the ICC

Time: 8:00pm

Place: Mill Creek Towne Elementary School
17700 Park Mill Dr.
Derwood, Md 20855

Featuring: Sen. Mike Lennett* Sen. Patrick Hogan
Del. Henry Heller Del. Charles Barkely
Del. Roger Manno* Del. Nancy King
Del. Benjamin Kramer* Del. Saqib Ali*


Ask These Elected Officials To:

1. Press the State Highway Administration to halt all action aimed at acquiring homes, and public and private land, for the ICC until all legal issues have been full resolved and until the new Montgomery County government and the O'Malley administration have set their transportation priorities.

2. Urge Martin O'Malley to hold town hall meetings as part of the state transportation priorities review.

3. Demand that the State Highway Administration fully assess the impacts of toxic air pollution from the ICC on communities near the ICC. The State has refused to assess and disclose these impacts even though cars, trucks and other vehicles generate many toxic and carcinogenic pollutants and even though the ICC would slash through dozens of communities and very near schools and parks.

4. Demand that the State restate the ICC's construction costs in light of sharp increases in the cost of energy and construction materials. The State has not restated the ICC's costs in two years.

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