Friday, January 05, 2007

Jan. 25 meeting regarding transportation in Montgomery County

Thursday -- January 25

Montgomery County Council Holds an Important Town Hall Meeting on Transportation Priorities

Please Mark Your Calendar!

Time: 7:30 pm

Place: Montgomery County Council Office Building
100 Maryland Avenue
(a ten-minute walk west of the Rockville Metro station)

Recommended Actions

1. Please sign up to testify. To register, call Delphine Harriston as soon as possible.

Ms. Harriston's number is: (240) 777-7931

It's fine to leave a message. Ms. Harriston is very reliable at returning calls.

2. Please urge family, friends and colleagues to attend and testify.

3. If the speakers' roster is full, please ask Council President Marilyn Praisner to schedule an additional hearing/town hall.

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