Friday, August 08, 2008

Minutes of BOD Meeting - June 2008

1. Call to order – President

Meeting called to order at 6:30pm

2. Approval of minutes from previous meeting – Secretary

Minutes from previous meeting were read into record and approved

3. Officers’ reports:
a. President..

Art spoke to xxxx (75xx) regarding un-mowed front lawn. The issue was addressed shortly thereafter.

BOD issued letter to Luis Sandoval regarding termination of his SGSTA secretary position.

BOD issued letter to xxx (75xx) regarding approval of installation of solar attic fan

b. Vice President
Mathias requested that we continue to provide future agenda items to him. The agenda process seems to be flowing and working effectively.

c. Treasurer – 4Q ’07 dues paid?, 75xx update?, Status of reserve
account and environmental fund for ‘08

Dues for 75xx still not received for 4q07. Art to speak with homeowner face-to-face regarding outstanding dues; previous attempts (written, e-mail, verbal) have been unsuccessful.

75xx Update: Real estate agent indicates HOA papers are not yet required as no approved contract is in place; however, real estate agent was not aware that we were self-managed community and that there is no management office for him to contact. We should expect request from him at some point in the future.

Reserve Fund:
$300 for removal of dead tree (Apr 08)
$25.24 – Lawyers Admin Costs (Apr 08)

EPB Fund:
$165 – Parking tags and signs (Mar 08)
$53 – Cherry Tree (Apr 08)

Online account access requires re-enrolling; Steve has forms that need to be completed in order for this to take effect. Online account access will provide other BOD members access to view accounts, but do not provide access to withdraw funds.

d. Secretary – Status of letters (action items from May)

Letters regarding SGSTA BOD secretary position and EPB request for installation of solar attic fan were drafted and submitted to BOD.

New EPB request received from xxx (75xx) for installation of solar attic fan. Approval letter drafted and submitted to BOD. BOD approval is pending.

4. ICC update – Alex (update provided via e-mail)

As you've noticed, construction of the bridge over Shady Grove Rd. has begun.

Lerch, the attorney, continues to be excruciatingly slow but swears he is developing a case with several other related homeowners that he is trying to fight the SHA with.

We are definitely receiving sound barriers behind our neighborhood, though their exact appearance and extent remains a mystery.

Most significantly I am getting close to having the $102,000 check reissued to us. This has required a series of letters to the county clerk's office and the State Roads Commission in Baltimore, each of whom blames the other for the problem. I am at the position where each of their offices has received a series of letters they said they requested, and they are now supposed to be talking to each other as to the next step. I keep getting reassurances that we are close to having the check reissued. (Of course I've been hearing the same thing for three weeks, but...) It looks like we will be able to have it held for pickup in person at the finance office of the county clerk's office. I will let everyone know as soon as this occurs.

5. Unfinished business:
a. Tree trimming in common areas
- Do we need a second quote before proceeding? DECISION
NOTE: Sole sources will occur only if absolutely necessary (i.e., emergency services required); hence reason for multiple quotes for this work was done.
On Tuesday (June 24th), the SGSTA BOD did receive estimate from Schifflett Tree Service – see details below
Discussions ensued on the differences between Capitol Landscaping and Schifflett Tree service. Capitol is primarily a lawn and landscaping company, whereas Schifflett is dedicated to tree service. It was pointed out that the Schifflett estimate ($4500) was roughly 2 times the amount of Capitol estimate ($2200) though it was felt that the work performed by Schifflett would not be limited to 16 feet from ground and would include removing dead limbs throughout the tree.
Regarding funding of this project, concerns were expressed about the high cost of the Schifflett estimate and that we would be digging deep into Reserve Fund and we needed to remember that the Reserve Fund must also be available for maintaining other things (i.e., retaining wall, sidewalks, etc.). Steve indicated that Capitol may have already performed the 3 tree trimmings for this contract year and therefore this project may need to be fully funded from the Reserve Fund. Steve needs to confirm this.
Question was asked why we were looking at removing the Leyland Cypress trees. The intent would be to replace them with “live” trees. We are no longer maintaining these trees due to their current state and that area has an unkempt appearance. The estimate was for planning purposes only and is not work that is planned for this fiscal year.
Vote: Proceed with Schifflett with assumption that price can be negotiated: 3 Yes and 1 Abstention (blank).
Action: Schedule meeting with Schifflett Tree Service to do price negotiations.
Estimate from Schifflett Tree Service
$4500 - Common area tree trimming (cherry trees, dogwoods and evergreens). It would include raising the elevation level of all parking area trees by several feet, removing significant number of dead limbs throughout all trees and removing tree limbs away from homes/roofs/gutters of nearby homes. It would include team of guys who would actually be climbing the trees to ensure that all debris was removed. Mr. Schifflett recommends that this type of tree trimming service be planned for every 3-5 years and confirms that minimal tree trimming may be required in between those times for upkeep, etc. He acknowledges that future major trimming activities should not cost as much if we are doing regular maintenance.
2. $3000-$4000 - Removal of 3 Leyland Cypress trees in front of Alex Witze house which we previously said that we didn't want to trim due to their current state. Mr. Schifflett recommends that we plan to do this specific activity in Jan-Feb as we would be saving about $500 because it would not be their peak season.

b. Move responsibility for parking tags to treasurer? DECISION

Approved and effective immediately; Steve will work with Alex on handing over necessary items

c. Update on storm drain – Debbie
The county made onsite visit to storm drain area behind 75xx and responded that they only maintain 10 feet beyond the storm drain. They feel that there are no issues to be addressed on their part. They did indicate that separate in-flows on Weatherby Drive and Berclair are sources of trash at the out-flow.

While no real outcome was derived from this investigation, we were able to learn more about the county process and will pay extra attention to the in-flow areas to prevent trash from getting into storm drain.

d. Update on streetlight – Debbie
Done; New light was installed at intersection of Weatherby Drive and Berclair and is now functional.

6. New business:
a. Committee stand-up. DECISION
· Environmental protection
· Long range planning
· Bylaws/Covenants amendment
· Other?

Newsletter (to be distributed in July 2008) will include request for volunteers for participation in following committees: EPB, Long range planning and Bylaws/Covenants amendment.

EPB Committee: Art, Debbie and Pete have indicated interest in remaining on committee.

Long range Planning Committee: Mathias has indicated interest in chairing this committee.

Bylaws/Covenants Amendment Committee: An example of possible covenants amendments discussed is the parking enforcement process implemented in April 2008. Conversation ensued regarding letter received from 75xx (tenant) with list of issues regarding enforced parking restrictions that were implemented in April 2008. Letter was received, but no response has been made.

b. How $100K changes our financial practices (internal)
- Protect Steve (Treasurer) from suspicion/questioning – need?
- Can we avoid bonding by increasing transparency? How?

Discussion on bonding:
· Bonding is for people with fiduciary responsibilities;
· By-laws do not specifically mandate bonding; the by-laws indicate that BOD’s should obtain bonding if it is deemed appropriate.
· In prior meeting discussions, BOD had decided to obtain bonding if/when account balances exceeded $100K due to cost of bonding. In absence of bonding, other audit controls would be followed (i.e., bank account access would be granted to 2 or more BOD members, end of year audits, etc.)

No proposals/decisions made; discussion tabled for future meeting

7. Emergent issues (arose within 72 hours of BOD meeting)

Sofa and chair deposited in common area over weekend have now been picked up. Residents will be informed via newsletter that our private trash company does not provide bulk trash pickups

The four white pine trees that SGSTA planted behind 75xx and 75xx homes were severely trimmed over the previous weekend by the single family homeowner. It was noted that while SGSTA planted the trees approx 8 years ago to replace ones that were previously burned in a fire, it was not exactly clear at the time where the property line was. One of the trees is on our property; one is clearly not on our property; the other two, it is debatable. It is suggested that conversation occur with single family homeowner to come to mutual agreement regarding future maintenance of these trees.

8. Closing remarks and adjournment – President

Steve and Art not available for July meeting;
Next meeting to occur on Weds (August 27th) at Debbie’s house;
Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm.