Monday, November 17, 2008

Minutes of BOD Meeting - Oct 2008

1. Call to order – President
Meeting called to order at 6:30pm

2. Approval of minutes from previous meeting – Secretary
Minutes from previous meeting read into record and approved/edited as suggested.

3. Officers’ reports:
a. President
b. Vice President

c. Treasurer

· 75xx dues; 4th qtr 2007 dues not paid; Steve spoke to Owner who indicates they will be paying shortly; Art to speak with owner.

· Replacement parking tag issued to 75xx; $10 payment received for replacement.

d. Secretary

Effective immediately, we will modify the information that is posted to our website in the following manner: (1) We will not include the ICC section on the website; and (2) Residence addresses will be denoted as 75xx. These changes are being done for security and privacy reasons.

NOTE: ICC section will be made available to individuals upon request.

4. Committee reports:
a. EPB update – Walkthrough: delay ‘till Spring? DECISION
Decision made that EPB follow-on activities will be deferred until Spring 2009. Historical papers (2006-2007) received from past EPB members.

b. Long range planning committee – Goals for the coming month
First step to review spreadsheet with Debbie and Steve to understand improvement tasks to be performed and expected timeframes. Input will be used in preparing 2009 budget

5. Unfinished business:
a. Financial practices
- Review the contract with Capitol – Steve
· Question about IPM – Integrated Pest Management – is this being performed; Pests (grubs) have been found on property?
· Suggestion to remove tree service from Tree and Shrub program in Capitol contract; Propose that future tree service be performed by professional tree service company. Concerns with tree service work previously performed by Capitol and also with unapproved $80 charge for tree branch removal. Steve received letter from Capitol indicating issues with fall tree trimming work that we have done.
· Decision tabled to next meeting; meeting to be scheduled with Capitol to discuss services for upcoming year

- Comparison of the two tax accountants – Steve DECISION

$250 / taxes
$85/hr for consulting

$300 / taxes
$300 flat fee consulting for what to do with monies received

Recommendation to use Mohn based on experience noted during phone interview. Future in-person interview meeting to be arranged with Mohn

b. Do we want to rent the last two parking spots? DECISION
- Proposals shared and to be voted on next month

Two proposals were shared with BOD; these proposals were input based on conversation with HOA (community) members.

Discussion on why we were considering allocating these two spots and concerns that we were not responsible for activities on Berclair. Response: The change in parking policy is being considered as a result of community members concerns about safety on Berclair, which we all have to use to enter/exit the community.

Concerns were expressed about the method of allocating the extra tags and receiving income for these tags. Response: BOD’s need to first focus on whether these spots should be re-allocated (i.e., if this is in the best interest of the community) and second on method of allocation.

Carrying forward pro/con info (from previous minutes):

- May help to alleviate some of the parking problems on Berclair which has been noted as a safety issue for our community
- ??? Could be used to bring in income to HOA (i.e., rental fee of parking tag)

- Will take away the 2 parking spaces that are designated for short term visitor parking and may potentially result in usage of fire lanes and double parking for this purpose.
- Will require time and effort to do on-going administration of this program (i.e., we need to set up parking tag rental office)

Decision tabled for next meeting..

6. ICC update – Alex
a. Follow-up discussion from meeting with Mr. Lerch

.. This section intentionally omitted from website - available upon request ..

7. Emergent issues (arose within 72 hours of BOD meeting)

8. Closing remarks and adjournment – President
Meeting adjourned: 8:15

Tentative timeline for our schedule for the next couple weeks (adjusted to cover ICC issues, holiday schedules and end of year activities):

Nov 6th - PRB meeting at 10am in Rockville, Let Alex know by Tues if you are available to attend; should last 4-5 hrs; we will have 30 days after this meeting to file notice of dissent.

Nov 9th (Sunday) - Board meeting; 7pm at Debbie's house; Debriefing from PRB meeting and make decision on whether to appeal PRB decision. If you don't feel that PRB decision is adequate, then need to come to meeting prepared with what you feel is adequate and justified compensation.

Nov 19th (Weds) - Regular Board meeting; want to meet with Mohn (accountant) and Capitol; If not feasible to meet with them during this meeting, then need to suggest alternate times. NOTE: Mathias out of town.

Dec 17th (Weds) - Regular Board Meeting

NOTE: Newsletter postponed until after Nov 9th so to include info from PRB meeting and BOD's decision.

Minutes of BOD Meeting - Sept 2008

1. Call to order – President (Vice-President Acting)
Meeting called to order at 6:40pm

2. Approval of minutes from the meeting in August – Secretary
Minutes from previous meeting read into record and approved.

3. Officers’ reports:
a. President
b. Vice President
Mathias thanked Debbie for being the onsite contact for Schifflett Tree Service during their work days.

Mathias asked if anyone had any additional questions/concerns regarding the resident (Zuppo) parking letter – there were none.

c. Treasurer

· 7503 dues; 4th qtr 2007 dues not paid; contacted multiple times; Mathias to make contact.

· 7523 –paid current at this time

· Still need to formalize late due policy

· $4200 – paid to Schifflett ($300 discount);

· $13,787 in savings; $102,400 in ICC Account (United bank says insured up to $200k)

d. Secretary

Oct 2008 newsletter planned; Input due by Oct 6th

4. ICC update – Alex
a. Follow-up discussion from meeting with Mr. Lerch

.. This section intentionally omitted from website - available upon request ..

5. Unfinished business:
a. ICC
- Letter to community about request received for $5K.

BOD has received and denied request. Will update HOA in next newsletter. NOTE: details about this request in prior minutes

b. Committee stand-up
- Long range planning committee – Questions about charter?

Draft charter looks good; no changes proposed

- EPB update – Walkthrough this fall? DECISION

Follow-up request to be made to Gregg & Melissa to get copies of previous EPB walk-thrus. Short term – BOD to focus on getting list of issues that were noted during last walk-thru; Long term – BOD to get all historical paperwork.

Would like to conduct walk-thru by Columbus Day weekend; will depend on if historical data can be obtained and volunteer assistance to do walk-thru can be solicited.

- By-Law committee – Do we want / need this? DECISION

No individuals have volunteered; responsibility to perform the work of this committee defers back to BOD’s.

c. Financial practices
- Comparison of the two tax accountants – Alex (DECISION?)
Alex provided info on 4 accountants; Of these, 2 seem potentially suitable – Mohn and Isaaco. Mohn offered fixed price and Isaaco offered hourly price.
We may want to determine if accountant can perform work under fixed price. Scope of work for fixed priced to be: assistance with filing 2008 taxes; guidance on what we need to do before year end.

Treasurer (Steve) to make calls to follow-up with 2 candidates to get further info. Debbie to provide Steve with info on Harold Mohn (info that was filed in SGSTA’s historical papers)

- Review the contract with Capital – Steve
Steve distributed Capitol contract – BOD members to review and provide feedback to Steve.

6. New business:
a. Do we want to rent the last two parking spots? DECISION

- May help to alleviate some of the parking problems on Berclair
- Will bring in income to HOA (i.e., rental fee of parking tag)

- Will take away the 2 parking spaces that are designated for short term visitor parking and will result in usage of fire lanes and double parking for this purpose.
- Will require time and effort to do on-going administration of this program (i.e., we need to set up parking tag rental office)

No decision made; Tabled for future meeting.

b. Next meeting location and time

Mathias – next meeting on Oct 29th.

7. Emergent issues (arose within 72 hours of BOD meeting)

8. Closing remarks and adjournment – President
Meeting adjourned: 8:15

Minutes of BOD Meeting - August 2008

1. Call to order – President (NOTE: Vice-President acting)
Meeting called to order at 6:35

2. Approval of minutes from the meeting in June – Secretary
Minutes read into record and approved; one change noted and made indicating forms for online back account access were not required.

3. Officers’ reports:
a. President
No report
b. Vice President
Still $4500 estimate from Schifflett, but Mathias believes we may be getting break on price; 6 out 8 residences are also having work don.
Debbie to be onsite contact for work to be performed on August 28th.

c. Treasurer
75xx - dues still not paid for 4Q07 ($129); Mathias to speak with him; Need to think about enforcing ‘next step’/escalation approaches.

75xx – missing dues for 2 quarters

Online accounts – Steve, Alex and Art are on list. Steve sent email to Alex and Art on how to re-register.

Regarding current bank accounts- only one signature is required

SGSTA Financial practices (summarized by Mathias):
-All BOD members need to have ability to view the accounts
-Need minimum of 2 BOD members (Treasurer plus another individual) with ability to write checks in event of emergency that Treasurer is not available
-Need official document which contains info on who has access to what
-Treasurer to provide account balance info as part of Treasurer Report during monthly meetings

d. Secretary

July Newsletter published. Cost to publish July 2008 newsletter - $10; Cost to publish directory - $25. For 2009, should plan to budget $75 for communications.

Newsletter schedule – Oct 2008 and Jan 2009

Newsletter schedule – Oct 2008
1. Oct 6 - Deadline for submission of articles - All members
2. Oct 13 - Publish Draft - Debbie
3. Oct 20 - BOD Review; Provide Feedback - All BOD members
4. Oct 27 - Incorporate Feedback; Publish - Debbie

4. ICC update – Alex

Initial $102K - Acquired $104K check ($102K plus interest)

.. This section intentionally omitted from website - available upon request ..

Funding for the ICC protest:

· Greg Smith (representing xxx) has made request for financial contributions to continue to fight ICC. This is to fight the remaining contracts since Contract A is underway. Greg is available for presentations of work that they are doing. Estimated donation - $5K. Funding is required ASAP.
· Regarding this request, BOD members indicated concern that timing is not good – we are not prepared financially to make this decision. This money would have to come from ICC monies received and we do not yet know tax implications of ICC monies received.
· Alternative suggestion was made that we might want to consider making donation to specific cause that would lessen impact of ICC.
· Need to poll HOA members on interest level of making this contribution.

5. Unfinished business:
a. Committee stand-up
- Any interest from the community in participating?
No HOA members volunteered for participation in committees.
- Long range planning committee purpose and goals – Mathias
Mathias shared charter document (hand-out) with BOD members
- EPB update
Need to schedule walkthrough; Spring 2008 walkthrough was missed. Need to schedule walk-through before winter otherwise will need to postpone until Spring 2009.

- By-Law committee – Do we want / need this? DECISION
Tabled for next meeting

b. Financial practices
- BOD access to online banking, June conversation incomplete?
- Tax accountant – Do we need one for this year? DECISION

Yes, BOD members agree that we need accountant for this year

If so, do we need to shop around before proceeding? DECISION

We would like to have MD accountant and would like to review at least 2 candidates. Alex has one candidate and Debbie to provide name of HOA accountant which has represented several other Montgomery County HOA’s.

6. New business:
a. Lawn care and maintenance
- Contract is up with Capital this year; are we happy with them?

BOD members indicated pleased with Capitol Landscaping with the following exceptions:

· Tree trimming services and capabilities
· The fact that they charged us for July 4th emergency tree trimming work that we did not officially authorize.

Suggestion was made to renew services with Capitol for 2009, but make revisions to the contract. Plan to review 2007-2008 contract during next meeting.

b. Parking email from a concerned resident - Mathias

The Parking Q&A’s in July 2008 newsletter were intended to address particular resident’s concerns.

Discussions on possible options for tweaking parking policy occurred. Following items were included in discussion, but no decisions were made:

1. Modify restricted parking time to be less hours
2. Encourage HOA members who are not using parking tags to “loan” these out.
3. “Auction off” the 2 VISITOR spots.

7. Emergent issues (arose within 72 hours of BOD meeting)

No new issues raised

8. Closing remarks and adjournment – President

Meeting Adjourned: 8pm
Next meeting Sept 24th at Steve’s house

Minutes of BOD Meeting - July 2008

July Meeting was cancelled due to schedule conflicts